The Benefits of Breakfast

There are definitely many benefits of breakfast. Breakfast as the first meal after the night, usually in the morning, is one of the most important food nutrition intakes through the whole day.

The English announcers often refer to breakfast as a meal with absorption of traditional foods like eggs, oatmeal and sausage. We can discover this statement if we go to a restaurant and just order an “English breakfast”. Throughout different countries, breakfast is defined differently, but globally we define it as intake that include a carbohydrate such as grains or cereals, fruit and/or vegetables, a protein food such as eggs, meat or fish, and a beverage such as tea, coffee, milk or fruit juice.

Coffee, milk, tea, juice, breakfast cereals, pancakes, sausages, French toast, bacon, sweet breads, fresh fruit, vegetables, eggs, mushrooms, baked bean, muffins, crumpets and toast with butter or margarine and/or jam or marmalade.

Scientists have discovered that people who are not consuming breakfast and skip this first meal, later on have metabolism, cardiac, weight, and concentration problems. By metabolism we define that the body is not capable of maintaining its intake of supplements and may cause body’s dysfunction and generate lot of diseases later on. On the other hand, when metabolism is slowed, the body digestion is slowed and we can gain the bad type of weight (weight from fat), and gain it fast!

Benefits of Breakfast and Health

We definitely don’t want to have cardiac problems.Those are problems with the heart – the only muscle that never sleeps, and sustains our body with blood flow through all our lives. It’s tricky that at the beginning, probably when we are young, our body doesn’t ask for breakfast because we still haven’t sustained that as a habit. I remember myself, until I went really hungry (five hours after I wake up from sleeping) I was eating my first meal. This is just a habit we have to get used to. If this happens with you, even as mature, you have to force it in the beginning. Start with little portions or some apple or oranges and keep it that way. If you are busy after more than three hours after breakfast I recommend you to eat some cereal or oat meal with yogurt or milk, or English breakfast. These meals have more carbs and proteins than fruits, and your body can function clear and proper for more than three hours.

I have tried to eat one apple and go to work and after three hours I crawl for food and I may even do some bad stuff. Bad thoughts occupy my brain and I do not-so-productive stuff. If you want your body to function properly and stay in good shape eat breakfast and stay healthy. You must force at the beginning even if the stomach and brain are not giving any signs of hunger. After everything you read so far, you still don’t want to bother eating that breakfast, than stay de-concentrated, break your metabolism, stay fat and destroy the heart. Peace.

“The English announcers often refer to breakfast as a meal with absorption of traditional foods like eggs, oatmeal and sausage.”

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